Monday, January 18, 2010

Travel Mantra

Travel Chants from the mouth of Maestro:

Ian Wright  -
"There is no secret; there is nothing mysterious about a rucksack. All you need is money, passport, and a change of clothes. Forget the rest."

"If you spend too much time thinking about it, then you miss it! Things come. Keep looking, meet different people, and exchange ideas. There is no rule."

"Every single country you go to just blows
 your mind! You know with this job you
 always get 5 months condensed in three
 weeks! The final program gives you a
 splash of colours, a smell of the country,
 and that's where its success is I think."

"The first step is in your head. So don't
 think about it, buy a flight ticket tomorrow and
then worry about it on the plane. This is the hardest step."


Justin Shaprio-
I think that the way to connect with other "distinct" cultures is to go with an open heart and spend time with the locals. Many travelers spend time within the glass bubble of the resort or the hotel or the organized tour. People are the same the world over and the only way to experience this is to spend time with the people."

 Megan McCormick -
 "When I travel on my own I like to see where
 the road will take me (which frequently means getting lost!)"

"All of these experiences have informed
who I am and have given me an enriched perspective.
Plus, if I have any memories that start to fade I
have a good video to watch to remind me."

"My mom had a map of the world on the
 hallway growing up and a subscription to
National Graphic. It's her fault I can never get a "real" job!"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tips for Travelling

Tips 1.0

>/. Don't travel with heavy luggage, use only light items.
>/. Take all your required medicines while traveling
>/. Avoid having oily food try to take light food item.
>/. Always wear light weighted shoes and sleepers.
>/. Carry moisturizing or suns cream lotion in order to avoid your skin from allergy.

Tips 2.0

>/. Avoid carrying paper money try to carry plastic money(credit or debit card).
>/. Take travel insurance before planning for traveling.
>/. Pre-planned your traveling
>/. Take local transport system inside the city.
>/. During summers try to wear cotton clothes.

Tips 3.0

>/. Don't waste your money on baggers.
>/. Try to avoid to have Local food in city( it might cause pain in your stomach)
>/. Woman need to cover full body with clothes while traveling inside the city.
>/. Wear Light clothes during the summer seasons.
>/. Your rucksack's weight should not more than 10kg.

Tips 4.0

>/. Keep at least 3 sets of your clothes
>/. Try to drink boiled water or mineral water.
>/. Carry Mosquito Snatcher.
>/. Carry separate bag from Passport, Visas or documents.
>/. Atlas don't believe in anyone. Contact your country Embassy for further help.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Travelling is not a prestige its gift of god which he himself has given to you.The best part is, this gift has given to all of us but our mean to use it is different.The man is using this gift from the very first day when he came on the earth, for e.g.s travelling for food from one place to another, travelling for job,travelling for medical treatment, and e.t.c. Hence we would say that travelling is an activity where we move our body from one place to another for any type of purpose.Travelling helps you to gain different type of knowledge and experience.

A great Indian scholar "Pandit Mahasankritiyan" said "Man can earn any kind of knowledge in the world by learning only one subject which is called 'travelling'".

Here in Travelance blog we all can learn about the travelling, their tips and experiences.This blog is especially made for those who takes keen interest in travelling and geography.Geography is a subject which teach us about the climate the atmosphere of the given place.In this blog we'll try to give a new definition of travelling.

I hereby appeal you to attach with this blog and it will surely share some good experiences and tips.