Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tips for Travelling

Tips 1.0

>/. Don't travel with heavy luggage, use only light items.
>/. Take all your required medicines while traveling
>/. Avoid having oily food try to take light food item.
>/. Always wear light weighted shoes and sleepers.
>/. Carry moisturizing or suns cream lotion in order to avoid your skin from allergy.

Tips 2.0

>/. Avoid carrying paper money try to carry plastic money(credit or debit card).
>/. Take travel insurance before planning for traveling.
>/. Pre-planned your traveling
>/. Take local transport system inside the city.
>/. During summers try to wear cotton clothes.

Tips 3.0

>/. Don't waste your money on baggers.
>/. Try to avoid to have Local food in city( it might cause pain in your stomach)
>/. Woman need to cover full body with clothes while traveling inside the city.
>/. Wear Light clothes during the summer seasons.
>/. Your rucksack's weight should not more than 10kg.

Tips 4.0

>/. Keep at least 3 sets of your clothes
>/. Try to drink boiled water or mineral water.
>/. Carry Mosquito Snatcher.
>/. Carry separate bag from Passport, Visas or documents.
>/. Atlas don't believe in anyone. Contact your country Embassy for further help.

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